Bad Credit Pay Day Loans
If you have struggled with Bad Credit in the past, help could still be at hand with a short term, payday loan for bad credit. We understand that not everyone out there has a perfect credit history and we take your current circumstances into account during the application process. If you have been turned down previously for credit, we may still be able to help. We can issue a small, cash advance to you and once you have repaid in full, your trust rating will improve allowing you to increase the amount borrowed on repeat applications. This way, we offer greater flexibility further down the line and a chance for you to manage and improve your credit status responsibly.
No Credit Checks & No Documents to send
We take into consideration the amount you wish to borrow and the term you wish to borrow it for. You will need to be over 18, in current employment, have a permanent address and have a bank account that we can deposit your funds into. Chances are that if you have missed payments or struggled financially in the past, mainstream credit brokers will look unfavourably at your application – we are different. With no documents to send to us and no credit check, we are confident that we can offer a solution to your short term cash flow problems and have helped thousands of people across South Africa already and continue to offer loans for bad credit on a daily basis.
Borrow for any purpose
If you need extra cash this month for household bills, a special occasion, vehicle repairs or to help get extra spending cash for your holiday, we can offer a solution no matter what you need the money for. Our loans are designed to be a temporary fix to your cash flow problem and whether you need money for a couple of days or a few weeks, the simple online application process means you could have the money in your account the same day.
Simply & Easy Process
Applying for a Payday Loan for bad credit couldn’t be easier. The whole process is done online from start to finish via our secure online application form. Fill out your details and tell us how much you would like to borrow and whether it’s for a few days or weeks – we suggest that you specify the re-payment date as your next pay day. Our system will auto generate all the information you need including the total cost of the loan and the date it will be repaid and will provide an instant decision if you have been accepted. On the due date, we simply take the payment due and your account is settled. Simple
For a hassle free solution to your short term cash flow issue, click “apply now” and rest at ease knowing you could receive the cash you need today.